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Learn About Your Panama City Criminal Defense Attorney


When you are charged with a crime, you need the right representation there to help you. You want to be sure that you can trust the attorney who is on your side and that you can rely on him or her for anything that you may need. Whether you have been charged with assault, theft crimes, white collar crimes, or a DUI, you need a Panama City criminal defense attorney there who can help you. At Shepard Law, the firm understands that you have been dealing with all the difficulties of your trial and are probably terrified of what lies ahead in your future. A criminal conviction could affect your occupation, your freedom, your bank account, your relationships, and more. In many cases, a criminal conviction can completely change your life. You will want a hardworking lawyer at Shepard Law there to represent you in court and prove that you are innocent. While no lawyer can guarantee that he will win your trial, there are certainly some attorneys that are more dedicated and care deeper than others.

At Shepard Law, you will be treated as an individual. The attorney who takes on your case will not treat you like another case number and will not be apathetic to your difficulties. The lawyers at this firm want to hold your hand as you walk through this difficult time in life and be a beacon in a dark time. They can provide you with invaluable legal advice and give you the help that you need when deciding how to respond to your arrest. Shepard Law serves the citizens of Panama City and surrounding areas on a regular basis. One of the main reasons that Shepard Law is different from other firms is the fact that the lead attorney at the firm is a former Assistant State Attorney. This means that he worked with the prosecution for years before he chose to defend the citizens of Panama City instead of try and convict them of their crimes.

While working as an Assistant State Attorney, Mr. Shepard learned how to argue against the defense. Now that he represents clients, he is able to anticipate how the prosecution will argue and develop a case that they will have a hard time discounting. As well, because Mr. Shepard used to work with the prosecution he knows a lot of the men and women who work in the Panama City courts. This means that the judges respect and recognize him and the prosecutors are acquainted with him. Because he knows these people well, the connections may be a great advantage to you in your case. Attorney Shepard has handled more than 5,000 cases in the past and has spend his entire legal career practicing in the 14th Judicial Circuit. He has accomplished many successful verdicts, gotten many cases dismissed, and proved many clients not guilty since he has been practicing law.

Last year, Attorney Shepard won the 2011 Pro Bono Award because of his sacrifice to work for the men and women of the indigent community. This is an award that is only given to twenty compassionate and caring lawyers throughout the state. Attorney Shepard is also the current President of the Bay County Criminal Defense Bar. He received this honor because he has displayed so much knowledge of criminal law and is a proven and respected lawyer in the legal community. The staff and associates at Shepard Law are just as hardworking as Attorney Shepard is and all believe that they need to make every effort to give clients the representation that they need. When you are charged with a crime, one of the worst things that you can do is wait to hire an attorney. You need to contact a lawyer immediately upon your arrest so that you won’t need to worry about making a mistake during interrogations.

You can contact Shepard law by filling out their case evaluation form today. This form asks for your e-mail, street address, name, and then a brief description of the type of case you are trying to handle. An attorney at the firm will then read your form and e-mail you back with advice about your situation. If the staff deems it necessary, they will offer their services to men and women that send in these forms and are seeking representation. If you need a lawyer to help you out, you can also call the firm and schedule a free face-to-face consultation with one of the lawyers at Shepard Law. Dial (850) 215-5200 today if you want more information or want to schedule this consultation.

This Panama City criminal defense firm keeps their lines open every day and at all hours. This is because they understand that not all crimes happen during business hours. If you are arrested in the middle of the night for a DUI and you need someone to meet you at the jail, then you want an attorney that you can rely on to pick up the phone. At Shepard Law, the staff always has someone ready to answer or return phone calls from any hour of the day. At this firm, the lawyers are also willing to represent suspects accused of federal crimes. These are serious crimes against the government that can often bring on felony penalties. Any felony mark on your criminal record can ruin your chances of ever obtaining a job or may cause concern when you deal with family issues.

If you want to learn more about Shepard Law, then you can check out Lawyer Central, Merchant Circle, or Yelp to get a little more information. You can also look the firm up on Facebook, and get to know them by following them on Twitter. If you want to contact the firm today to help on your case, then you need to call them, e-mail them using the sidebar on the website, send in a free case evaluation, or visit the office. The firm’s office is located at 2612 W. 15th Street Suite B Panama City, FL 32401. Make sure to get in contact with this high-quality and dedicated firm today to get the representation you need on your criminal defense case!