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I Got A DUI On Spring Break - What Do I Do?


Spring break has long been associated with great parties and free-flowing alcohol. As a result, it should come as no surprise that DUI is also closely associated with spring break, at least in the eyes of law enforcement. In this blog, our Panama City DUI defense attorneys take a look at what you should do if you've been arrested for DUI on spring break.

Step One: Stay Off Social Media!

One of the biggest mistakes many younger people make after a DUI arrest is hopping on social media to talk about the incident. Prosecutors will often look at social media posts made both before and after your arrest, and may use these as evidence against you. For example, if you posted a picture of yourself surrounded by bottles of tequila on Instagram, and were arrested for DUI a few hours later, it may be tough to prove that you aren't guilty.

Step Two: Contact a Panama City DUI Attorney Now

The consequences of a DUI conviction can be serious, impacting all areas of your life. By contacting an attorney early in the process, they can begin building a strong defense on your behalf – in a few cases, they can prevent charges from ever being filed. Of course, you do not just want any attorney in your corner – make sure to look for an experienced lawyer who has proven their ability to win DUI cases. Perhaps most importantly, an attorney can help you with the following two steps.

Step Three: Show Up To Court

Failing to appear for your scheduled court dates is a huge mistake that could severely impact the outcome of your case. Life is busy, and it may be difficult for you to appear in court at the requested time – for this reason, it is crucial to retain an attorney who can appear on your behalf.

Step Four: Request a DMV Hearing Within 10 Days

After your arrest, you have just 10 days to file for an Administrative Review Hearing with the Florida DMV. If you don't file for this hearing, you will automatically lose your license for six months. An attorney is well-worth the cost for this matter alone – not only can they help you ensure that you meet this deadline, but they can also build a strong case as to why your license should not be suspended.

Were you arrested for DUI while vacationing in Panama City? Call (850) 215-5200 today to learn how we can help.