Our Case Results

  • Not Convicted Violation of Probation Case Results

    ALLEGATION: Client violated probation by failing to report ("absconding") and committing a new felony of Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Forgery. Client was on probation for 7 counts of Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Fraud, 6 counts of Forgery, and 6 counts of Criminal Use of Personal Identification.

  • No Charges Aggravated Assault Case Results

    ALLEGATION: Client arrested for drive-by shooting and was facing the possibility of a minimum mandatory 15 year prison sentence under Florida's 10-20-Life Law. RESULT: After consulting with with prosecutors and law enforcement NO CHARGES WERE FILED.

  • Negotiated Plea DUI Manslaughter

    ALLEGATION: Client charged with DUI Manslaughter. Client faced up to 15 years prison and a permanent loss of his drivers' license. RESULT: Client entered negotiated plea to probation and is eligible to drive with a hardship license.

  • Not Convicted Sexual Battery

    ALLEGATION: Client who holds a professional certification and license with the State of Florida was accused of Sexual Battery with the possibility of 15 years prison and mandatory "Sexual Offender" designation. Arrest was reported in the Panama City News Herald. RESULT: Charge reduced without consent of victim to simple battery (misdemeanor). Client NOT CONVICTED of any criminal offense and not designated a Sexual Offender. Client able to return to work without loss of professional certification and license